Back pain is one of the most common diseases of working age, the elderly and the elderly. The human spine bears almost all the weight of a person. It is composed of 33-34 vertebrae, and the intervertebral discs are connected by the intervertebral discs. Due to this connection, the vertebrae can move relatively. The sacrum and coccyx are special parts of the spine. The sacrum is formed by five fused vertebrae. The coccyx is the basic part of the spine and does not have a supporting function.
Pain can occur in any or all three parts of the spine. In most cases, pain occurs in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. Pain may be caused by disc disease and injury (herniated disc, herniated disc) and intervertebral joints (arthropathy of the facet joints) or other diseases. In recent years, the number of people with back pain has increased dramatically, making this complaint the most common complaint in the world.
Types of back pain
Acute back pain can last up to six weeks. If it lasts up to 12 weeks, it is called subacute. Pain that lasts for 12 weeks is called chronic pain.
According to the definition of some causes of pain, there are:
- Non-specific back pain;
- Specific back pain.
Specific back pain
If the exact cause of the pain is known, it is called specific back pain.
Examples of specific pain include trauma, intervertebral disc injury, and intervertebral joint inflammation (facet joint disease).
Non-specific back pain
In some cases, back pain is classified as non-specific because it is impossible to determine the exact cause.
Poor posture or lack of physical exercise may cause non-specific back pain.
Symptoms and complaints
Almost everyone has experienced "back pain" or mild back pain. "Come back again! "-A very common phrase because the back is under tremendous pressure every day. Sitting in the office for long periods of time, sitting listlessly in front of the computer, carrying heavy objects or working in the garden: slight back pain is an indispensable part of daily life.
Back pain needs to be taken seriously. The reason for going to the doctor should be that the pain has not disappeared for a few days, and certain movements aggravate the pain or the pain radiates to the limbs, especially when there is numbness.
Ejection pain in the lower limbs is a characteristic of compression of the spinal cord or its roots (such as a herniated disc). The pain inherent in the arthritic changes of the intervertebral joints is usually dull and localized. The nature and intensity of pain vary from person to person. Only a doctor can prescribe necessary examinations and treatments based on the main complaint and symptoms. Depending on the situation, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy, therapeutic exercises, or arrange surgery. During conservative treatment and post-operative rehabilitation, regular therapeutic exercises are very important because they can build muscles, stabilize the spine and relieve pain.
The most common cause of back pain
The spine or spine is a complex structure composed of vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and ligaments. When the interaction of these structures is disturbed, pain occurs. The typical reasons are:

Stress causes back pain
In the absence of any disease, mainly sedentary work and lack of physical exercise in daily life can cause long-term back muscle tension and spinal pain.
The intervertebral discs act as biological shock absorbers and separate the vertebral bodies from each other. As the elasticity of the intervertebral disc decreases, it begins to bulge into the spinal canal cavity (the so-called prolapse), and its height decreases. The latter have a negative impact on the work of the intervertebral joints because their biomechanics are disrupted.
If the herniated part of the intervertebral disc is pressed on the sensitive nerve fibers, various sensory disturbances may appear in the innervated area of the compressed nerve: pain, tingling, numbness, peristalsis, etc. If the motor nerve fibers responsible for muscle work are compressed, the function of the innervated muscles will be disturbed until they become paralyzed.
Disturbances in posture and weightlifting can cause the anatomical relationship of the spinal structure to be disrupted. In some cases, this can lead to so-called blockage of the intervertebral joints, often accompanied by severe pain. When the intervertebral joints are blocked, the back muscles are in painful spasms. Therefore, pain not only occurs in blocked joints, but also in muscles. This greatly reduces the patient's physical activity until they are unable to walk. When intervertebral joints are blocked, the use of medi branches is effective in stabilizing the spine, helping to eliminate muscle spasms, locate pain and increase exercise activity.
As we age, our spine gradually changes its structure, which is often referred to as "degeneration". In this case, the term "degradation" means irreversible changes due to aging. Although the process is irreversible, the use of orthoses can help alleviate and improve the patient's condition.
The degenerative changes of the intervertebral disc means that its elasticity is destroyed, its height is reduced and it protrudes into the spinal canal cavity. The reduction in the height of the intervertebral disc will cause the pressure on the intervertebral (facet joint) joints to increase.
The position of the spine, including the lumbar spine, is stabilized by the work of muscles. Back muscles, abdominal muscles, and ventrolateral muscles are involved in maintaining posture. The work of the muscles makes the load on the intervertebral disc more even and prevents the tendon-ligament device from overstretching. Any pain syndrome will have a negative impact on muscle function, which can lead to local hypertonicity or, conversely, local weakness. As a result, the stability of the spine is impaired. This in turn will cause the hypertonicity of certain muscles to increase, that is, the formation of a vicious pathological cycle.
Medical gymnastics helps to break the pathological cycle, allowing you to restore the symmetry of trunk muscle tension.
The cause of back pain is not limited to the trunk. For example, abnormal gait biomechanics can also cause back pain. This is mainly because the foot loses its cushioning function when some deformation occurs. Another reason may be the difference in the length of the limbs, which exceeds the normal value.
The good news: In many cases, back pain will disappear after a few weeks. With the help of mobilization technology (manual therapy) and drugs, non-specific pain is successfully treated. For this kind of pain, exercise therapy is very effective.
Each of us can reduce the pressure on the back and prevent pain.

Exercises that are good for the back.
There are some strength training exercises that can be easily integrated into your daily life. The complex was developed jointly with physiotherapy practice experts.
- Exercise regularly: 45 minutes of exercise 3 times a week will help improve your health, activate the immune system and help maintain muscle tone. The best back exercises are swimming and walking.
- Balanced nutrition: Proper nutrition is to prevent overweight, which is an extra burden on the back.
- Lift weights correctly: When lifting weights, you need to squat and lift heavy objects by stretching your legs instead of your back muscles.
- Carry heavy objects correctly: carry heavy objects as close to your body as possible. Do not carry heavy objects alone.
- Physical activity: Sedentary workers should seize every opportunity to increase their physical activity, such as taking the stairs better, getting up more frequently during the day, walking while talking on the phone, and walking during lunch hours.
Ergonomic workplace

Back pain often occurs in the workplace. Sitting in the wrong position for long periods of time can lead to chronic muscle fatigue and subsequent pain. In addition, tasks related to frequent bending and weight lifting often cause back pain.
Back pain treatment
There are many ways to treat back pain. First, the attending physician chooses between conservative treatment and surgical treatment. The latter is used for conservative treatment ineffective and many other situations.

Physiotherapy and massage
Comprehensive gymnastics and special back exercises should be performed under the supervision of a doctor or physical therapist until you have mastered the skills to perform each exercise. This type of exercise is designed to train the strength of the trunk muscle tissue. The doctor will choose the exercise most suitable for the patient. Massage and physical therapy can be prescribed to reduce the intensity of the pain.
medical treatement
Medications are used to relieve pain and inflammation in the acute phase. Taking analgesics helps to eliminate the uncomfortable protective posture the patient takes to relieve pain. Only take the medicine as directed by your doctor.
Back exercises
Strong trunk muscles protect the spine from adverse pressure, reducing the possibility of cramps and pain. To prevent back pain, you should exercise regularly to train your back muscles. Swimming or walking can also help.
This set of exercises combines strength training and stretching exercises, and the design time is 20 minutes. The best exercise frequency is 2-3 times a week. Important: Consult your healthcare professional before exercising.
Spine orthopedics products
Medical stents and spinal stents are designed to treat pain and muscle spasms. Modern bandages and corsets effectively combat pain and increase physical activity. According to the diagnosis, a device with more or less potential is used to stabilize the lumbar spine.
The waist brace and corset with higher height and stronger stabilizing elements can better stabilize and support the spine in the desired position. The ability to move painlessly and participate in social life eliminates the bulkiness of even the most rigid corsets.
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The company produces a large number of orthopedic devices used to treat a variety of diseases. Thousands of people around the world have noticed the effectiveness of the product in treating back pain. At the same time, the patient pointed out the high comfort and durability of the product. Thanks to the special design, all lumbar supports are easy to wear. The design solution also provides additional sitting comfort-a special pattern in the groin fold area.
Stabilizing the lumbar spine with medi orthopedic products will not be accompanied by muscle weakness, let alone atrophy. As mentioned earlier, the ability to move without pain increases the patient's physical activity. In addition, orthopedic support aims to eliminate excessive and/or painful activity, not fixation, which is the cause of muscle inactivity and weakening.